Yoga in Pregnancy Period

Yoga for Pre-natal Pregnancy

Yoga provides a holistic health benefit during pregnancy. Yoga in prenatal pregnancy requires proper care of the mother  which includes exercises, meditation, diet, training, and treatment before delivery is a part of prenatal care.

If you are worried and do not know what poses of yoga should do this article is for you, it highlights the poses and essential information related to prenatal pregnancy yoga.

Pregnancy is a roller coaster ride. It’s an incredible phase in a women’s life that provides an exceptional feeling of growing something special inside you. 

There are lots of changes that happen in the mother’s body mentally as well as physically. Yoga enlightens the proper growth of the child and progressing the natural childbirth.

Yoga is exercise and meditation where breath and specific body positions are used to help connect the mind and body. When it comes to safe exercise known as prenatal yoga. These yoga poses are specifically designed for pregnant women’s bodies.

There are enormous benefits of doing prenatal yoga under an eligible yoga instructor’s guidance. Mind-body practices in prenatal yoga can be extremely beneficial during pregnancy, especially for addressing this critical time’s physical, emotional, and mental aspects.

Here are some Poses you can do during the pregnancy period. We bring you some easy and doable yoga poses protocol for the antenatal, i.e. prenatal pregnancy:

These are the specific yoga poses according to the month of pregnancy ! 

Matsya kridasana:

This yoga pose performed for 1 to 3 months or in the first trimester

Step 1
Lie down on the stomach in a relaxed way and turn your neck to one side (to the left side to start with).

Step 2
Place your right hand (palms) over the left hand and rest your head on top of the hands (back of the palms). The head should face to the left.

Step 3
Bend your left leg and move your left knee as close to the ribs as possible.

Step 4
The right leg should remain straight.

Step 5
This is the final resting pose. The body will be relaxed in the final position, and a slight tug or pull is felt on the waist region. Maintain the position in the crocodile pose.

Maintain the position for as long as it is comfortable.

Close your eyes and breathe slowly and normally, and feel the calmness.

Rest every part of the body and maintain awareness of the breath.

This can be repeated with the head turned towards the right also. In this case, the right leg will be folded and the left leg will remain straight.

What are the Benefits of Matsya Kridasana?

There are many health benefits of Matsya Kridasana in Pregnancy such as

1. It gives complete rest to the body and mind.
2. It is useful in getting relaxation.
3. Improves concentration or focus.
4. It relieves mood swings and stress during pregnancy.
5. It improves the digestion process.
6. It helps to maintain blood pressure.

Precautions should be taken while doing Matsya Kridasana

1. Don’t put strain or stress on your body.
2. Avoid overexertion.
3. Avoid it in severe neck or back pain.
4. People should avoid those who are suffering from any back problem, Spinal disorders, Migraine, Knee injury, and heart trouble

What are the meditation asanas for pregnancy?

Meditation Brings Calmness and peace. It helps to generate self-consciousness towards our inner selves. Here are some simple meditation asanas you can do during the pregnancy period.

1.Sukhasana – Comfortable Pose.
2.Siddhasana – Pose of the Adept.
3.Vajrasana – Sitting on the Heels Pose.
4.Ardha Padmasana – Half Lotus Pose.
5.Padmasana – Lotus Pose.

These are simple and very doable yoga exercises during pregnancy.

6.Vajrasana: Kneeling asana in Hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise
7. Bhadrasana: This is the butterfly pose.

You can also do Marjariasana, Tadasana, Pranayam and some mudras. Please do all these exercises under the guidance of a professional so the best results and safer approach.

Follow a proper diet, Vegetarian diet is recommended for proper benefits of the yoga.

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